Turn Every Moment into Wellness with your Com Bank Cards

Physiotherapy plays an important role in enhancing the quality of life for people at various life stages and with different health conditions, by maintaining and improving overall health and functionality, preventing injuries and managing a broad spectrum of health issues. However, in this part of the world, there is a significant need to raise awareness about the crucial role of physiotherapy.

Key areas that underscore the importance of physiotherapy include Aging Population, Chronic Disease Management, Recovery from Injuries, Post-surgical Rehabilitation, Preventive Care, Supporting Mental Health and Improving Fitness and Wellness.

Physio Medicare is excited to partner with Commercial Bank to broaden awareness and offer exclusive discounts to Com Bank Credit and Debit Card holders. We are proud to collaborate with Commercial Bank, a recipient of numerous accolades such as Best Bank, Best Mobile Banking App, Best SME Bank, along with awards in digital solutions, sustainability, customer service and support for SMEs and large corporations, all while delivering value to its customers in various ways through awareness and financial benefits.

Physio Medicare has partnered with Com Bank to offer a 15% discount to its credit and debit cardholders from May 16th to 20th, 2024. This promotion aims to enhance well-being by raising awareness and providing affordable access to physiotherapy services at Physio Medicare, located at No.04, Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala. Commercial Bank cardholders can learn more or schedule an appointment by calling Physio Medicare at +94 77 7123 234 or visiting www.physiomedicare.com, or by contacting ComBank at +94 112 353 353 or visiting https://www.combank.lk/rewards-promotion/healthcare/elevate-your-well-being-at-physio-medicare-with-combank-credit-and-debit-cards, www.combank.lk. Other campaign terms and conditions apply.

World Athletic Day

In the heart of every individual lies an athlete waiting to be discovered.

This inner athlete symbolizes not just the potential for physical ability but also represents a path to enhanced health and a more fulfilling life. As we explore and nurture this athletic spirit, we set the stage for personal growth, achievement and the pure joy of pushing our limits.

Each person’s journey into their athletic self begins with exploration. Trying different sports and physical activities can unlock hidden talents and interests. Whether it’s through running, swimming, cycling or team sports, the act of engaging regularly in physical challenges promotes better health, increases endurance and strengthens resilience. This exploration is crucial, as it not only helps in finding the activity that you resonate with the most but also keeps the routine exciting and engaging.

Focusing on your strengths within your chosen sport can lead to remarkable achievements and the continuous improvement of skills. This mindset promotes the pursuit of goals and often results in surpassing personal bests, which are monumental moments of victory over one’s previous limits. The thrill of competition, whether it’s with others or against personal milestones, provides a significant motivational boost. It’s not merely about winning, but about overcoming past performances, celebrating small victories and setting new benchmarks. This cycle of setting and achieving goals fuels athletes towards ongoing improvement and deep satisfaction, adding an exhilarating edge to their athletic journey.

For beginners and athletes, physiotherapy focuses on enhancing performance through targeted exercises, manual therapy and personalized programs that optimize muscle function and joint mobility. By preventing injuries and fine tuning the body’s mechanics, physiotherapy ensures both beginners and athletes can perform at their peak and achieve their competitive goals.

To all who embrace the spirit of athleticism, from amateurs who jog in the early hours of the morning to the elite athletes who compete on the global stage, your journey is inspiring. Each step you take, each jump you make and each throw you launch brings you closer to realizing your dreams. Let each day be filled with energy and achievements, pushing you towards your personal bests and beyond.

On World Athletic Day, let’s lace up our shoes and chase our dreams, not just to cross the finish line, but to push beyond the limits we once thought possible.

Enhancing Workplace Safety and Health Through Physiotherapy

As we mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work, it’s crucial to reflect on the significant role physiotherapy plays in creating safer and healthier work environments. At Physio Medicare, our commitment to promoting health extends into the very spaces where people spend most of their daily lives, their workplace.

The Role of Physiotherapy in Workplace Safety
Physiotherapy is an essential element in preventive care and injury management within the workplace. We address and mitigate workplace risks, enhance ergonomic practices and educate employees on maintaining physical health through:

Addressing the issue of improving employee health, physiotherapy focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. For employees, particularly those in physically demanding or deskbound jobs, physiotherapy can help address by offering onsite physiotherapy services or partnering with physiotherapy clinics, companies can provide their staff with convenient access to care, which promotes early detection and treatment of potential health issues before they lead to more serious conditions.

Partnering with Physio Medicare into workplace health initiatives offers a multifaceted approach to improving employee well being and productivity. Physio Medicare is the leader in addressing physical ailments, educating staff on health and safety practices and promoting a proactive health management culture in the corporate sector. Companies can expect to see a significant return on investment through increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs and improved employee retention and satisfaction through our both packages onsite and offsite clinic physiotherapy packages, specially designed for corporates.

Contact: 0777 123 234 | 0716 123 234
Find Us: No.4, Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala.

How Physiotherapy Helps With Parkinson’s Disease

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that primarily affects movement due to the loss of dopamine producing cells in the brain. Dopamine is crucial for regulating movement and its depletion leads to symptoms like tremors and stiffness. The exact cause of the cell death is unknown and there is no cure, but treatments are available to manage symptoms.

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease:

Tremors typically begin in a limb, often your hand or fingers, noticeable mainly when at rest.
Parkinson’s disease can slow movements over time, making simple tasks difficult and time consuming.
Rigidity and stiffness in the muscles can occur, limiting the range of motion and causing pain.
Impairments in balance and changes in posture such as stooping are common.
Speech may become softer, faster or hesitant unlike normal speech patterns.

How Physiotherapy Helps with Parkinson’s Disease:

Physiotherapy is a key component in managing Parkinson’s disease through various therapeutic approaches.

1) Improving Movement and Flexibility
Physiotherapists work to enhance muscle strength, flexibility and joint range, helping to improve fluidity and ease of movement. Exercises tailored to individual needs help maintain mobility and reduce stiffness.
2) Gait and Balance Training
Specialized training helps tackle walking difficulties in Parkinson’s patients. Physiotherapists might use techniques such as treadmill training or cueing strategies to improve gait and prevent falls.
3) Reducing Fall Risk
Through balance exercises and functional training, physiotherapy helps reduce the risk of falls in Parkinson’s patients. Training might include activities that challenge balance and simulate real life scenarios.
4) Pain Management
Physiotherapy helps manage pain associated with Parkinson’s through techniques such as massage, heat treatment or targeted exercises that relieve muscle tension and enhance joint function.

At Physio Medicare, we have more than 12 years of experience specializing in handling patients with Parkinson’s, providing expert care tailored to each individual’s needs. Contact us today for a free consultation today.

Contact: 0777 123 234 | 0716 123 234
Find Us: No.4, Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala.

The Role of Women’s Health Physiotherapy During Pregnancy

Following our previous article about the challenges women face after having a baby, we’re now turning our attention to how physiotherapy during pregnancy can make a big difference. This next step shows Physio Medicare commitment to covering most aspects of health for mothers, from before the baby is born until after. Just as we looked into the tough times new moms might go through, we’re here to share how physiotherapy before the baby arrives can help avoid some of these issues, supporting moms and babies to start off on the right foot.

The Significance of Physiotherapy During Pregnancy

Women’s health physiotherapy focuses on the unique needs of women before, during and after pregnancy, providing targeted support for the body as it undergoes the significant changes associated with carrying a child. As the body adapts to accommodate the growing fetus, many women experience a range of physical discomforts, from back pain and pelvic discomfort to reduced core strength and stability. Physiotherapy offers non -invasive, effective strategies to alleviate these symptoms, enhancing comfort and mobility.

Addressing Common Pregnancy-Related Discomforts

As the pregnancy progresses, the added weight and altered posture can lead to back pain and pelvic discomfort. Physiotherapists can provide exercises and techniques to strengthen the core and pelvic floor muscles, improving posture and reducing strain on the back and pelvis.

Strengthening the pelvic floor is crucial for a smoother delivery and recovery. Physiotherapists teach exercises that not only prepare these muscles for childbirth but also help in recovery, minimizing the risk of postpartum complications such as incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

Pregnancy can often cause fluid retention, leading to swelling and discomfort. Physiotherapy interventions include gentle exercises and manual therapies to improve circulation and reduce swelling, particularly in the legs and feet.

A Tailored Approach to Care

It’s clear that proactive care through physiotherapy can significantly enhance maternal well-being and recovery. To take a proactive step towards a comfortable pregnancy and a smoother postpartum recovery, consider scheduling a physiotherapy screening with us at Physio Medicare. This screening is an opportunity to assess your current physical health, identify any potential concerns early and receive a personalized care plan tailored to your unique needs during and after pregnancy.

Reach out to Physio Medicare today to schedule your physiotherapy screening. It’s a move that could make all the difference for you and your baby, setting the stage for a stronger, healthier start together.

Most women suffer some form of postpartum problems after childbirth.

Many women experience a range of postpartum challenges following childbirth. This article aims to shed light on potential issues new mothers may encounter, emphasizing the significance of physiotherapy in addressing women’s health concerns post childbirth.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period bring about unique emotional and physical transformations for each woman. These changes can lead to discomfort both during and after pregnancy, needing effective pain management solutions. Understanding the common physical adjustments are important to seek relief and preventative care for new mothers.

Common Postpartum Challenges

New mothers often face a range of postpartum physical challenges stemming from pregnancy and childbirth. Back pain is prevalent due to the body’s adjustments to support the fetus, such as increased weight and altered balance and is further worsened by the demands of newborn care. Diastasis recti, the separation of abdominal muscles can weaken core strength and affect daily activities with risks increased by factors like significant weight gain and multiple births. Cesarean section recovery may involve scarring, pain and weakened muscles, leading to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, including incontinence. Moreover, the stress of childbirth can weaken pelvic floor muscles causing issues such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, impacting vital organ support.

Understanding and addressing these postpartum challenges is essential for new mothers’ well-being. Physiotherapy offers a path to recovery and strength, helping women navigate the postpartum period with confidence and comfort.

Through specialized postpartum physiotherapy, women can achieve weight loss, strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and enhance overall physical well-being. A critical component of this care involves an initial assessment by experienced and qualified physiotherapists, who conduct thorough screenings to identify any postpartum risks. Based on this assessment, a tailored treatment plan is developed, incorporating specific exercises designed to support healing and recovery.

Physio Medicare is honoring this Women’s Day by focusing on the health issues that mature women often face silently. It’s time to for us break the quiet and empower each other with knowledge and action.

Date: March 8th
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: No.4, Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala
Confirm Your Participation: 077 712 3234 | 071 612 3234

Understanding the Consequences of Falls Among the Elderly

Falls are a leading cause of injury among the elderly, impacting their health and ability to engage in daily tasks.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than one out of four older people falls each year. These serious injuries such as hip fractures and head injuries not only pose physical dangers but also instill a fear of falling, resulting in reduced activity, isolation and reduced quality of life.

Reduced flexibility contributes to the risk of falls, affecting balance, coordination and the ability to perform daily activities safely. As individuals age, muscles and joints naturally become stiffer and less elastic, making movements slower and increasing the likelihood of falls.

Flexibility plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges among elders. Through exercise programs that include stretching, strength training, and balance exercises, physiotherapists help seniors regain mobility, enhance their physical function and boost their confidence in moving safely.

Our physiotherapy services extend well beyond fall prevention. With our free fall risk assessment, we aim to identify potential hazards early on, allowing us to take proactive measures that limit the risk of falling and safeguard seniors. This careful evaluation is crucial in preserving the independence of seniors, especially those living alone.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary assessment
Contact: 077 712 3234 | 071 612 3234
Find Us: No.4, Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala.

Tackling Employee Attendance Issues Due to Health Problems

In today’s workplaces, it’s important to have a healthy and productive team with fewer days off because of muscle or joint problems. Issues like back and neck discomfort are increasingly causing employees to miss work, resulting in lower work efficiency and higher costs for businesses.

At Physio Medicare, we understand that many businesses are facing a growing problem where employees miss work due to muscle and joint issues. Issues like back and neck pain are leading reasons for sick leave apart from flu, causing lower productivity, extra burden on other employees and significant costs.

We’ve noticed that back pain often comes and goes in cycles and without proper care, such as fixing how one sits, these problems can persist longer. Neck pain is a major issue as well, often linked to work tasks that involve a lot of neck bending or turning, especially in high pressure jobs.

To address these challenges, Physio Medicare is the go to consultant for many companies. We help educate employees on how to prevent workplace injuries. Simple steps like taking regular breaks and doing at least five minutes of stretching exercises are a great start. For those who need more specific help, we offer customized programs tailored to different job roles. These programs aim to lessen the risk of musculoskeletal issues and create a healthier, more efficient work environment.

Our commitment at Physio Medicare is to work alongside businesses, helping to ensure a healthier, more productive future for everyone.

Think Your Workout’s Done? Beware of Skipping Cooldowns.

As an athlete or a general fitness enthusiast, you might wonder about the necessity of a cooldown. It’s important to understand that cooling down is a crucial component of your exercise routine, whether its after low impact activities or even after an energetic workout. Physio Medicare wants to emphasize this to our community because we believe that the significance of cooling down is fading among both athletes and general fitness enthusiasts.

Cooling down after a workout gradually lowers your heart rate, reduces the risk of injuries and stretches your muscles. A cool down should last for at least 10-15 minutes and is vital for initiating your body’s recovery process.

Why a cooldown is essential:

1. Stretching helps bring your heart rate back to normal in a controlled manner, promoting heart health.
2. Exercise produces lactic acid, leading to muscle soreness. Stretching post exercise helps reduce lactic acid levels, alleviating muscle tension and soreness.
3. Correct stretching minimizes strain on muscles and joints, maintaining flexibility and reducing injury risks.

Consequences of skipping a cooldown:

At Physio Medicare, we emphasize that ignoring post exercise stretching can lead to increased muscle stiffness and a higher chance of injuries. This is particularly crucial for those with existing injuries, as improper or inadequate stretching can exaggerate these conditions. Ensuring that you’re performing the right stretches is as important as the act of stretching itself.

Incorporating a comprehensive cooldown is essential for athletes. It’s not just a ritual but a significant part of your workout that impacts recovery and future performance. By investing a few minutes in cooling down, you protect your body and enhance your athletic performance.

Contact Physio Medicare for personalized consultation and expert advice tailored to your fitness needs and goals.
Find Us: No.4, St. Peter’s Lane, Dehiwala.
Contact: 077 712 3234 | 071 612 3234